Reflexology For Menopause
Menopause Treatment
60 Minute Treatment - £45.00
Reflexology is a wonderful therapy for helping your journey through the menopause. Symptoms such as hot flushes, increased perspiration, night sweats, headaches, dizziness, mood changes, digestive disturbances, and short-term memory can make a massive impact on our lives.
Reflexology can help to regulate the peripheral nervous system, this can be achieved by stimulating pressure points such as the pituitary glands, the hypothalamus and the thymus reflex points, it can make some of the changes in your body more bearable and relieve the stress and tension that can cause so many side-effects.
Reflexology has been found to be very effective in helping both the physical and emotional symptoms of the menopause without the side effects associated with drug based treatments.

Why Reflexology for Menopause
Millions of women struggle with troublesome changes to their daily lives, often for many years. Symptoms often begin in your forties, and can last for anything from a couple of years up to fifteen years or more. Menopause brings emotional changes as well as physical ones. Many women find themselves feeling low, irritable or anxious. Menopause is a time of transition into a new stage of life. Changes in the body are often accompanied by lifestyle changes, such as children leaving home, or changes to relationships. It can feel like a time of struggle and confusion. ​
A Randomised Controlled Trial was carried out to test this in 2016. Women who had symptoms of menopause were given Reflexology treatments twice weekly for six weeks. These women reported far fewer hot flushes, sweats and night sweats (Gozuyesil & Baser, 2016). Reflexology can also improve women’s quality of life. The women in the 2016 trial reported that they felt better in their social and sex lives, as well as sleeping better. Another study in 2011 showed that menopausal women who were having difficulty sleeping slept much better after receiving Reflexology (Asltoghiri & Ghodsi, 2012).

78 West End, Street, Somerset, BA16 0LW
Tel: 07375399126
Opening Hours
2:30 pm – 7:00 pm
10:00 am – 7:00 pm
3:00 pm – 7:00 pm
10:00 am – 7:00 pm
10:00 am – 3:00 pm